Consultation Panels (29 May 2010)

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Consultation Panels from the successful Community Consultation Day on 29 May 2010 are now available for download.  Please follow the link below to view or download the panels... Your comments are greatly appreciated.

Consultation Panels (29 May 2010)

Preliminary Concept Planning Options

Friday, May 28, 2010

The design team has developed two concept options for future development of the town precinct and a new community Market Place.

These plans will be on display at the community consultation session this Saturday.

Please come along, meet with the planning team and discuss your thoughts for the future of Two Wells.

A Day In The Town

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Council & the Project Team will be holding a Community Open Day in Two Wells on Saturday 29 May to coincide with the Two Wells 75th Anniversary Celebrations.

It will be a great opportunity to talk and share ideas with members of the project team for JPE and WAX about Two Wells and development of the town precinct. We hope to see you there!

Where... Two Wells Library
When.... Saturday 29 May from 10.00am - 2.00pm